Monday, July 21, 2014


Today we crossed the Peruvian border and made it to Bolivia!

I have traveled to more than 25countries and have never witnessed something like la Paz... When we approached la Paz all I could see was a massive city!!! Houses all around... No green at all... My mouth literally dropped it was all brown and red from the houses all the way up the hills! I was really amazed by what I was seeing so I turned around to see if other people had noticed and literally the whole bus was taking pictures! It was incredible to see how quickly we changed the scenery and how massive La Paz is. There are possibly no pictures that would explain how shocking it is to witness la Paz for the first time.

Another thing that caught my attention is how Evo (the president) is everywhere!!! Pretty much half of the billboards have his face on it! Funny to see him in different "costumes" for example there was a billboard about water and there was Evo with a hard hat on the billboard!

I even read on some walls "Evo hasta 1950" (Evo for president until 1950)
A "funny" fact is that he is on his 2nd term as the president of Bolivia and wanted to run for a 3rd time and congress (or some authority) said no because the rules are that presidents can only run twice in a row! Cleverly, he responded that since he changed the name of the country to "Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia" he technically is NOT running for the president for the same country... Smart cookie this president!

We finally made it to the hotel which is "centrally located"... And by that I mean it is like I'm in the center of San Salvador... Which is not a compliment, it's kind of scary! 
I explored a little bit by myself until it was time to have our last dinner as a group and say goodbye to Sam and Jason :-(

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