Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Another early wake up call to go to Montevideo!
Mia and I woke up extra early to go get some breakfast food for the bus ride! We were followed all the way by street dogs, the more we walked the more dogs joined! Haha 
We finally found a bakery so we went in, got what we needed and when we got out there they were, waiting for us! Haha and then they started walking back with us! Haha

At the bus stop Michelle got her ukulele out (after a lot of peer pressure) and started singing... It was really nice and we all enjoyed it! Too bad that she doesn't really see her talent and is shy about it!

And now... Welcome to Montevideo, Uruguay's capital city and biggest city in the country! Uruguay has a population of approximately 3 millions and aprox. 1 million living in Montevideo ... An interesting fact is that Uruguay has NINE million cows... Triple it's population! Haha
In Montevideo Kris took us on a quick walking tour on our way to lunch. As always, he told us many stories about the country and it's history.

He took us to the mausoleum of Jose Artigas, the national hero of Uruguay. This has been the prettiest mausoleum I have seen! And the story that goes along with him was also pretty extraordinaire.

We then reached the old town of Montevideo 

and finally we reached our lunch spot :-)

We ate parrillada inside a beautiful market (I ate veggies). The restaurant Kris picked was really nice and they gave us free sparkly wine! Yum  All the restaurants around had an enormous amount of meat in the grill and the portions were huge.

After our late lunch we had some time to explore the town and had the night free... I decided to rest!

The following day we went on a free walking tour that was very similar to was Kris said yesterday and his version was way better than the guide's.

Kris being my model:

I loved Montevideo street art:

Apparently in Montevideo there is a tile "fairy" (maybe art students?) that come out at night and repair holes on the streets by replacing them with beautiful tiles:

While on the tour we stopped at a plaza and saw a row of men having mate. It was interesting to see the dynamics of mate drinking. One guy had a thermos and he would fill the cup with water and pass it around, then the cup would make it back to him for some more refilling!

At lunch we ended up at the market again but this time we ate some delicious empanadas from a stand and ate on the street.

Once again we had a free afternoon to explore.
We found a fabulous chocolate shop... And ended up buying some high end alfajores! Yumm

At night we went out for Amy's birthday :-) whoop woop 

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